Archive for November, 2006

Hi There

November 30, 2006

My other blog is about knitting, mostly, and graduate school. But I found that in a strange Foucaultian way I really want to blog about my journey with infertility, even though I still feel shy about most of my regular blog-readers reading about such a personal topic. At the same time, I have really benefited from reading other people’s blogs about their own journeys with infertility or mis-conceptions… so thought I’d just put this out there.

The story so far: I started trying to conceive 23 months ago. This past February, my husband and I started getting tested etc. So far we seem to be within the “normal” range for everything tested, although my hormone levels are a little “low.”

I’ve experimented with various modifications of diet, but have yet to go to the next recommended step which is Clomid.

I had a truly unpleasant experience with the HSG or “dye” test which I may write about at some point.

I also would like to write about my thoughts regarded having children… maybe some poetry… a lot of ambivalence… and certainly keep a fascinated public updated as events warrant :-). So keep checking for news – or no news. I welcome comments.