She’s Here

AF arrived in a blaze of glory this morning, after 3 anxious days of ambiguous, brown-spotted telegraphs. I start Clmid on Saturday – I’m excited and a little scared! I’m also sick – some kind of crazy allergy/flu symptom thing. Ugh. Tomorrow I present a paper at a conference so hopefully will sleep well tonight.

Further updates as events warrant.

4 Responses to “She’s Here”

  1. Baby Blues Says:

    Well it’s about time! She’s the most annoying guest. She comes unexpected and leaves such a mess.

    Al least she gives the “go signal” for a new cycle. You’ll be cycling soon.

    Good luck on your paper presentation.

  2. thirdtimelucky Says:

    Good luck with the presentation.

  3. Mands Says:

    For once it’s great that she pitched up – hoping this cycle is the one for you!

  4. Samantha Says:

    Hope you feel better in time for your presentation!

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