checking in

So, not much computer time this week; our nanny, Dhurata, is away on a spiritual retreat with her family so I don’t have much writing time – and what I have I’ve been using for sleep.

Gimli was away on a work trip all day Monday – just popped over to Rome for the day – how strange (and kind of cool) is that? He’s looking at taking on another consultancy and I’m a little apprehensive, since he did a job for this same organization last year and it was the job from hell. I told him no amount of money made that kind of grief worthwhile and I would make sure he never agreed to work for them again… and yet, here he goes. It’s not the same kind of job this time (a much smaller proposition) but still. I fear the stress.

I have a bunch of draft posts sitting around – some stuff about money, more on friendship, we’ll see when it gets done.

3 Responses to “checking in”

  1. Tara Says:

    yikes- that doesn’t sound like fun… unless you can go to Rome. I LOVED Rome. loved walking it, the food, the history, the gelato everywhere!! the art! the churches!! and other than some really rude tourists in the train station– everyone was kind to me.

  2. eep6 Says:

    and he’s supposed to go to Geneva this weekend. Sigh.

  3. Farah Says:

    hope you are hanging in there

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